Sunday, December 28, 2014

What's In A Name?

What's In A Name?
by Seah Greenhorn

(poem with Copyright)

"My Name
Will Be

Among the Nations."


'Label,' 'Tag,' or 'Fable.'

What king

can even proclaim:

"I Will Become What I Choose To Become"

or became

regarding their
past, present, or future,

as to their
plans, purposes, achievements
in various war games?


He gives
depth of description

to his



human title

'Candle-stick maker.'






At times a #Rock;

stated of him:

"For their rock is not like our Rock,

Even our enemies

have understood."


'Our Rock'


in all his


and Good.

#Upright is He.

A Sun and A Shield,
He gives favor and glory.


from all
walking in

Eternal Life Promised
on this earth--
our near future

A Beautiful fact--
no fairy

In time,

no longer will national neighbors
or bordering brothers

need to teach one another

about this Name--


than any other.

For the least to the greatest
will call on him

in #Fame.



'Ancient of Days'
'King of eternity'
'The Almighty,'
Magnificent Titles




"The Nations




They will.

We Still Do.

Based on Mal. 1:11; Ex. 3:1; Job 36:26; Deut. 324, 31; Ps. 84:11; Jer. 31:34; Dan. 7:9; 2 Pet. 3:13; John 17:3; 3;16.

Sunday, December 21, 2014



by Seah Greenhorn (with Copyright)

the mask.

Your face let me see.

Hypocrisy Unveiled...


Raises a sail--

of Trust,

on our Turbulent Sea of Humanity.


True Peace


be ... if hidden





As 'Peace'

in supposed


Based on Ps. 26:4: "I do not associate with deceitful men, and I avoid those who hide what they are."


                     A poem about communication between mates.

Poems and image  (With COPYRIGHT)

by Seah Greenhorn

Bricks; Bricks; Bricks
Sandpaper. Sandpaper.


Give me smooth silk.

Handle me with


toil in the spin and weave

is somewhat
easily forgotten.


are for

And Sandpaper


Though, ...

Fine Grain


And ...
Ahhh! ...Yes.

A rough rub--? ... So Div---.



Just ... "Don't be a Brick!"

Based on: Eph. 4: 26, 27: "Do not let the sun set while you are still angry."

Also, this article entitled: Strengthen Your Marriage Through Good Communication ...

Friday, December 19, 2014



by Seah Greenhorn
(poem with Copyright)


Their presence


the earth. Beautifully...

their girth

to Coerce;


to Move;

Bow out ... in a sense;

Due to



I suspect ... in recompense.



unearth to reclaim;

dust off;

Lift up to Proclaim--



Genteel ...

Really their game.




A Shame--


Thank you;
You're welcome.






To Resurrect

Our Aim; to inspire.

Based on the subtopic: Jehovah and His Son--Examples of Good Manners, in the following article:

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Just Words?

                   Poem by Seah Greenhorn
(with Copyright)

Are your words
Just words;

A façade with no depth?

Whipped cream to hot cocoa--
A blissful moment;

In another second ... Suspect?

Are your words
Just words;

Or does your "yes" mean "yes"
And your "no" ... "no?"

Like red to "stop"
And green to "go."

Are your words
Just words;

As chaff on the wind?
(A wonderful sound and sight to behold.)

But not a staff for lean
To support a soul?

Are your words
Just words;

All smooth and then swerve;

Brilliant copper flexible to bend

And easy to curve,

With the bite of Death

When hit or unkindly lit...

The End?

Ah... You guessed it;

They were no friend.

Are your words
Just words;

Or can I stake my life

My future hope
On these to rely,

Though, so long ago spoken;

Though, so many, they die?

Are your words
Just words;

Not words to proclaim,

Causing pain and terror
for your own selfish gain?

When you promise

An end to war,

Are your words
Just words;

Or is your real purpose

True peace to restore?

An end to death;

Sickness, famine no more?

Are your words
Just words?

Or solid...A Rock
Or even a Door.


Well, in the words of a Dear Beloved Son
Whose life he gave for every faithful one:

"Your Word Is Truth."

No, not Just Words. . .

They provided the proof.

Based on John 3:16; 17:17; 2 Corinthians 1:17-20; Matt. 5:37; Isa. 2:4; Eph. 4:25 and Rev. 21:3,4.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


24 vessels of mercy

Prepared beforehand

For heavenly glory

Vinte-quatro vasos de misericórdia
preparou de antes para celestial glória
From nations not his own
He called people to belong.

De nacões não a sua própria
Ele chamou um pova a possuirá.

24 vessels of mercy

Vinte-quatro vasos de misericórdia

Jars, mugs, and flasks
Bowls, dishes and platters

Jarros, canecas e frascos
Tigelas, pratos e travessas

Cups also included
And don’t forget the baskets

Copos também incluidos
E não se esqueça das cestas

Their uses maybe obvious;

Materials made—various


Seus usos talvez obvias;
Materiais feitos—varios

As “earthen vessels” of clay--
These humans born every day.

Seus usos talvez obvias;
Materiais feitos—varios

But, the golden bowl gets crushed.
And the jar at the spring gets broken

Mas a tigela de ouro fica esmagado.
E o cântaro junto ao fonte é quebrado

Because of disobedience
Our Creator foretold; had spoken.

Por causa da desobediência
Nosso Criador falou; dou pronunciou.

But the difference between vessels
and literal

Mas a diferença entre vasos
e literal

Is: No endless hope for externals;
E: Não esperança sem fim para externas;
But, for righteous vessels restored

in an Earth by heaven renewed—


Mas, para as vasos justos restaurado

numa Terra por Deus renovado—



Eternity! …Imagine! … Happiness imbued,


Eternidade! … Imagino! …Felicidade imbuído,


For every humble vessel on honor bestowed,

That awesome privilege—The Great Potter,

He Chooses to Use.


Para cada vaso humilde em honra concedida,
Esse privilégio incrível—A Grande Potter,
Oportunidades para usar, Ele criou.









Based on Romans 9:17-26; 2 Corinthians 4:7; Psalm 37:10, 11, 19.

Baseado em Romanos 9:17-26; 2 Corintios 4:7; Salmo 37:10, 11, 29.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Eternidade! … Imagino! …Felicidade imbuído,



Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What do you think: Did the cities of refuge in ancient Israel become Sanctuaries for Criminals?

This photo is not a representation for the article involving Sanctuaries for Christians.  The plague shows the existence of the name Jehovah for the Jewish community, even back in 1733. 
What do you think:
Did the cities of refuge in ancient Israel become Sanctuaries for Criminals?

In the ancient pagan world, many temples served as asylums for fugitives or criminals. In medieval Christendom, abbeys and churches served the same function. The rules governing ancient Israel’s cities of refuge, however, ensured that they did not become sanctuaries for criminals.

The Mosaic Law stated that cities of refuge protected only the unintentional manslayer.

“Now this is what should take place regarding the manslayer who may flee there in order to live: When he strikes his fellow man unintentionally and he did not previously hate him; as when he goes with his fellow man into the forest to gather wood and he raises his hand to cut the tree with the ax, but the ax head flies off the handle and hits his fellow man and he dies, the manslayer should flee to one of these cities to live.” Deuteronomy 19:4, 5. (Italics added.)

The unintentional manslayer could flee to the nearest city of refuge, out of reach of the victim’s nearest male relative, who could otherwise avenge the shed blood. Upon reaching a city of refuge, the fugitive was to state his case to the older men at the city gate and was to be received hospitably. To prevent willful murderers from taking cover under this provision, the fleeing one, after entering the city of refuge, had to stand trial at the city gates in the city having jurisdiction where the killing occurred, in order to prove his innocence. The elders reviewed the relationship between the fugitive and the victim, noting if prior hatred existed.

“If death resulted because he pushed him out of hatred or threw something at him with malicious intent, or out of hatred he struck him with his hand, and he died, the one who struck him will be put to death without fail. He is a murderer. The avenger of blood will put the murderer to death when he encounters him. “‘But if it was unexpectedly and not out of hatred that he pushed him or threw any article at him without malicious intent, or if he did not see him and caused a stone to fall on him and he was not an enemy or seeking his injury, and the person died, the assembly should then judge between the one who struck him and the avenger of blood, in harmony with these judgments.” Numbers 35:20-24

“”Otherwise, in the heat of anger, the avenger of blood may chase after the manslayer, overtake him, and kill him, because the distance to the city was too far. However, he did not deserve to die, since he did not previously hate his fellow man. That is why I am commanding you: ‘Set three cities apart.’” Deuteronomy 19:6, 7.

 “He must flee to one of these cities and stand at the entrance of the city gate and present his case in the hearing of the elders of that city. Then they must receive him into the city and give him a place and he will live with them. If the avenger of blood chases after him, they should not surrender the manslayer into his hand, for he killed his fellow man accidentally and he did not previously hate him.” Joshua 20:4, 5.

““The cities that you will give to the Levites will be 6 cities of refuge, which you will give for the manslayer to flee to, as well as 42 other cities.” Numbers 35:6.

“”The assembly should then save the manslayer from the hand of the avenger of blood and return him to his city of refuge to which he had fled, and he must dwell in it until the death of the high priest who was anointed with the holy oil. “‘But if the manslayer goes out of the boundary of his city of refuge to which he fled and the avenger of blood finds him outside the boundary of his city of refuge and slays the manslayer, he has no bloodguilt. For he must dwell in his city of refuge until the high priest’s death. But after the high priest’s death, the manslayer may return to the land that he owns.” Numbers 35:25-28.

You noticed?  … If found innocent, the fugitive returned to the city of refuge and had to remain in its immediate vicinity. But, these cities were not prisons. The refugee worked and served as a useful member of society.  Yet, his safety could be guaranteed only if he remained in the city the rest of his life or until the death of the high priest.  No ransom could be accepted to alter these terms.

“And you must not take a ransom for one who has fled to his city of refuge, allowing him to resume dwelling in his land before the death of the high priest.” Nu 35:32.

He must dwell in that city until he stands trial before the assembly and remain there until the death of the high priest who is in office at that time. Then the manslayer may return to the city from which he fled, and he may enter his city and his house.’” Jos 20:6.

Upon the death of the high priest, all refugees could leave the cities of refuge in safety.

However, in the case of a murderer, the blood of his victim was avenged and the law of ‘life for life’ was satisfied when the murderer was put to death “without fail” by the avenger of blood. Ex 21:23; Nu 35:21. Even Jehovah’s sacred altar provided no protection for murderers, as was illustrated in the case of Joab—a former commander of the Armies of Israel. Ex 21:14; 1Ki 1:50; 2:28-34.  Jehovah’s law on the sanctity of blood was very explicit. The shedding of human blood polluted the land in which the sons of Israel lived, in the midst of which Jehovah was residing, and it could be atoned for only by the blood of the one shedding it. Ge 9:5, 6; Nu 35:33, 34.

In some lands today, the law seems to show more leniency and favor to the criminals than it does concern for the victims. For instance, thieves may spend time in prison. Meanwhile, the victims may still be without their goods, yet they have to pay the taxes that house and feed such criminals. In ancient Israel, there were no prisons as we know them today. . . For further information see: