Sunday, June 5, 2016

Silence...Not Always Golden

Silence...Not Always Golden

by Seah Greenhorn
( Poem with copyright ) 

Traversing this world of extremes
tricky is the tight walk of neutral. So a love of know I mean?

On your left, anything goes. Just close your eyes and hold your nose.

'What was that?'

'Don't even ask. Just lie back and let us take you for a ride to tickle your toes.'

'Who's us?'

'We won't discuss.'

So, one questioning is made to feel green.

This scene depicts the plight of the naive or fears of peers bullied by mean.

So I need to ask myself:

Do I desire
to spark lust into a fire
to consume me whole?

Where will this leave me?

Shallow, then hollow as I grow old
and my beauty fades?

Will I reside in the shadows
scratching my itch with two fingers and my eye in a twitch?

Then lonely and non bewailed,
since as the dog
constantly chasing his tail,

before hastily lain in a rapidly dug grave?

I saved this tragic ending
to inspire me
to always try to see the end of the road,
before I step boldly
where I was admonished:

"Do not go!"

Independence and freedoms
I do choose, like fashion and hair color.

But foolishness is costly. And life is a commodity one should not abuse.

So to love righteousness, because of my love for the Creator is simply my choice.

He is Holy
and has set the standard.

And He has given
each of us
their own voice.

Use it wisely.

Speak up
for yourself.

There is a time for silence.

Just not when you need to defend your principles. Don't leave them home gathering dust on the shelf.