Saturday, March 31, 2018

Nissan 14 . . . WHAT Does It Mean to You?

Nisan 14 . . . What Does It Mean To You?

Nisan 14.

the most important date
in international history.

Commanded: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me." Our Deliverer: Christ Jesus made the statement

before finally nailed to a tree.

The Passover to Israel
kept Egyptian bondage in mind.

But more so their deliverance
of the Divine kind.

Ten plagues,

the foremost

the death of first-borns
when lamb's blood
was not posted

on portals in faith
and exercise of love.

Then 15 centuries later,
instituted a new celebration:

A Special Meal
with 11 disciples
faithful to do God's will.

Memorialized: Christ's Death
to be experienced at day's end,

after the sunset
they passed unleavened bread
and took a sip of wine

after offering thanks to His Father
for such Loyal and True Friends.

The unleavened bread represented his sinless body

Sacrificed in love.

The wine: his 'blood of the covenant'
poured out at Golgotha
in behalf of the obedient many
"for forgiveness of sins"

and then after 40 days
presented to his Creator, our Maker
in the heavens above.

Just what does this date mean to you and me?

Does it matter that Christ's Death liberates us from the scourge of sin and death
allowing us a chance at Eternity?

Was pierced for us insignificant?
A mere trivial thing?


Two of the Most Unselfish Acts
of Utmost Love unduplicated
by any means?


Living Forever in Paradise
for the Many will be
the happiest of occasions

with receiving back loved ones deceased and abundant peace
without poverty, food shortages, sickness, death, and disease.

This is what the Creator and his Son the 'master-worker' had originally designed for perfect humanity.


the first full moon
after the beginning of Spring
lands this year tonight,

March 31, 2018.

What joy for many this evening to convene

with like-minded appreciative ones
thankful for Christ's offering.

You are invited!* . . . We hope to see there.

Gratitude: To Bring.

Friday, March 30, 2018

A Most Precious Gift (first draft)

Has not this famous prayer
been taught to in earnestness pray
in matters of importance,

not to just daily say?

"Our Father in the heavens,
let your name be sanctified.

Let your Kingdom come.

Let your will take place,
as in heaven,

also on earth.” Matt. 6:9, 10

Jehovah’s name embracing
a full scope of His excellence,


A name of most priceless worth.

All principles and laws
permeating from him holy, truly. 

However, a slandering Satan caused mankind
from this pure righteousness
to temporarily, yet wickedly stray.


Jesus loved his Father's name.
Spreading it to all hearing
he did it lovingly relay.

"I have made your name known to them and will make it known". John 17:26

His perfect life course on earth
proved beyond speculation, doubt
reasonable and righteous
Jehovah to set standards
for his intelligent creatures
universally spread about.

Even to the point of his once faithful brother, Satan
subjecting him to an agonizing death

Jesus remained completely loyal to his heavenly Father.
Causing great happiness in heaven!
All faithful angels in joyfulness to shout.

Since proven
that a perfect human could maintain perfectobedience to God’s righteous standards.

Not everyone considering complete obedience
a nuisance; an irritating bother.

Christ also taught us
for God's Kingdom to eternally stay
composed of 144, 000 co-rulers--
his spiritual brothers taken from the earth

who'll with Christ eradicate wickedness.
Soon, to happen without further delay:

"Happy and holy
is anyone having part
in the first resurrection; 

over these the second death* has no authority,

but they will be priests of God and of the Christ,
and they will rule as kings with him for the 1, 000 years." Rev. 20:5.

"And they sing a new song, saying:

“You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,

and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God,

and they are to rule as kings
over the earth.” Rev. 20:9, 10.

All fears of death and dying
finally, to be completely allayed

because of God's Love
and His Kingdom's birth.

Yes, God's will on earth
possible a selfless ransom
in love of humankind made.

God’s purpose

to fill the earth with Adam's and Eve's offspring

Christ's death,
with perfect blood
was paid.

Laid: An opportunity,
to all who exercise faith

even those once dead
but then to be raised:

"And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous." Acts. 24:15.

To reach perfection.
To live forever.

To Eternally Praise
Jah Jehovah's

Most Worthy Name.

This is the reason

Christ, from heaven
to this earth came.

You Gave Your Only-Begotten Son

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

This Day

This Day (1st draft)

who to the Jewish festival came
for worship
did Jesus seek

requested Philip, telling Andrew informing Jesus
who "answered them:

“The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified." John 12:20-23.

To fulfill his Father's will
for him to die as "a grain of wheat"
which bears much fruit

after buried under soil
trampled by unworthy feet. vs. 24.

After conceding the designated time
Christ stated:

"Now I am troubled,

and what should I say?
Father, save me out of this hour.

this is why I have come to this hour.

Father, glorify your name.” vs. 27.

Although feeling stressed
his power weak


his Father's next words
onlookers thought: thunder

when Jah Jehovah
did from heaven
approvingly speak:

“I have glorified it
and will glorify it again.” vss. 28, 29.

an angel spoke.

But Jesus said as vss. 30-32 we quote:

“This voice has occurred,
not for my sake,

but for your sakes.

Now there is a judging of this world;

now the ruler of this world will be cast out.

And yet I,
if I am lifted up from the earth,

will draw all sorts of men to myself.”

But skepticism remained
as wicked crowds did then claim:

“We heard from the Law that the Christ remains forever.

How can you say that the Son of man must be lifted up?
Who is this Son of man?” vs. 34.

Although just earlier
Greeks sought Christ to him implore
of salvation to gain.

Appreciative they were.
Although, Christ in purpose
was from them detained.

Yes, a light among them
readily, daily did shine.

But many of them
were not 'righteously inclined'.

However, Jesus himself did them
to even us today, in earnestness did remind:

“The light will be among you a little while longer.

Walk while you still have the light,
so that darkness does not overpower you;

whoever walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. 

While you have the light,
exercise faith in the light,
so that you may become sons of light.” vs. 35, 35.

Then off from them
he went and hid

"Although he had performed so many signs before them,
they were not putting faith in him".

For Isaiah of them prophesied:

“He has blinded their eyes and has made their hearts hard, so that they would not see with their eyes and understand with their hearts and turn around and I heal them.” {vss. 36-40.)

Jehovah did not them call
to do his bid. For did not Jesus himself say:

"No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him,

and I will resurrect him on the last day.

It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by Jehovah.’

Everyone who has listened to the Father and has learned comes to me.

Not that any man has seen the Father,
except the one who is from God;

this one has seen the Father.

Most truly I say to you,
whoever believes
has everlasting life." John 6:44-47.

Although, sadly, "many even of the rulers actually put faith in him,

but they would not acknowledge him because of the Pharisees,
so that they would not be expelled from the synagogue;

for they loved the glory of men even more than the glory of God." vss. 42, 43.

So again this day Christ for all his disciples
did pray:

“I make request, not concerning these only,
but also concerning those putting faith in me through their word,

so that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you,

that they also may be in union with us,
so that the world may believe that you sent me."

"So that the world may know that you sent me and that you loved them just as you loved me."

"I have made your name known to them and will make it known,

so that the love with which you loved me
may be in them

and I in union with them.” John 17:20-26.

Yes, from this day each day,
"let us also throw off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us,

and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

as we look intently at the Chief Agent and Perfecter of our faith, Jesus." Hebrews 12:1, 2.

Who looked intently at His Reward.
Who has it attained.
Who is already enthroned... 


Monday, March 26, 2018

Love As Do Elephants (first draft)

Love As Do Elephants (first draft)

Love as do elephants
loyal, with grace.

When under attack
they circle young or weak
as strong ones outward face.

Love as do elephants
protecting its ring.

With encouragement, yes praise
with our tongues
let sweet words spring.

Love as do elephants
joined together in pride.

Communication is key.
Lack of causes hatred.
Does truly divide.

Love as do elephants
who friends do not forget.

Although, we must also "love our enemies".
Christian brothers, we do not neglect.

Love as do elephants.
Keeping each other close in mind.

As Christ died for all mankind
We must be loyal, loving and kind.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

A Model For Me to Follow

A Model For Me To Follow (Contest: A Tribute to My Hero) restructured

Before the starry heavens
and even before any sky
I imagined, at first wistfully,
in my imperfect mind's eye

the two of them together.

Billions of years of familial bonding.

Tragically, honestly,
my eyes flooded
with tears to cry

picturing this "only-begotton son,"
"a first-born of all creation"
with his Almighty Heavenly Father

bathed in majestic celestial light,
in contrast to Satan's darkness which now is an international blight.

Me, living life in contained misery.
Comatose my plight.
A daughter without her own dad.
Unveiled an envy too ugly to internally hold,
although, horrified for this emotion any onlookers to behold.

Buried years beneath in survival's silence.
Searching for comforting answers
her then-unknown goal.

I imagined their camaraderie,
their happiness
in creating the universe.
Eventually angels applauding
their collective lauding

as Jesus and Jehovah put finishing touches
on our marvelous beautiful earth.

Somehow dampened
my enthusiasm for this awesome favored son
I'm terribly saddened
to confess.

Since born into a world where love is covered over by materialism

valued more than brother
as your mark to true success.
I felt smothered by loneliness.

But as I pondered this Special Creation
beloved by Father; hated by races

His wonderful qualities
in imitation
of His Creator's

I finally understood.

Appreciated this opportunity.

I began to feel really blessed.

How could I mistake there kindness
in offering me Eternal Life

to bond with them in uniting fondness
of ending bitterness and strife?

So now I bow my head
in trepidation
for my arrogant
my ignorance,
my jealousy.

My unfounded

My desire
is to cultivate
Jesus' utmost

And love for all people.

He's my Hero.
My Potentate.