Tuesday, July 25, 2017

One Lovely Truth

I'd trade a thousand lovely lies, for one painful truth
I shall not despise.

Cinderella wasn't a happily ever after.
Millions of divorces deride in tragic proof.

Swatting flies with our wedding certificate
symbolizing how a roaring flame dwindles,
if not even singly inflamed,
into embers dying growing steadily
insignificant. Like the feather
weighing more than all the love
you left me. Nearly broken.
Under a bleeding moon.

Then poof!

Flying to Death.
Leaving the Living behind

though, never ready, when it's saying goodbye...

Yet, there exists a heroism in
the silence of accepting the end

as one Can't save a falling star.

A third of the heavens ousted down
exemplify this terrifying truism

our earth now
their iniquitous

That traveling light fleeing your sight?
If you can see it, its dead.

Dead still
when you gaze again

pretending that it'll never end.



dried out one's will to live
if not forgiving
oneself and others

letting go.


"Your dead will live.
My corpses will rise up.

Awake and shout joyfully,
You residents in the dust!

For your dew is as the dew of the morning,

And the earth will let those powerless in death come to life."


"Enjoy life with your beloved wife all the days of your futile life,
which He has given you under the sun,

all the days of your futility,

for that is your lot in life
and in your hard work at which you toil under the sun.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going."

A 'truth' painful or lovely to you?

Sunday, July 23, 2017

He Reigns!

Upon the Mount of Olives, Christ privately sat with four disciples when they of him asked: “What will be the sign of your presence and the conclusion of the system of things?” curiously putting him to prophetic task.

"For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be."

"Keep awake!" Christians advised to heed, for you see, His "Presence" denotes invisibility commencing with Jesus’ installation as King in 1914 cleansing the heavens of Satan and his wicked demons--His preliminary happifying thing.

Then down to the earth, "Woe!" WWI demonstrating the ride of the Four Horsemen had begun. Christ seated on His white horse as the Daystar He Arose, although a majority continues in wicked fun he them opposes until the “great tribulation,” begins. Then, the finality, all wicked immersed in their wickedness "saying to the mountains, ‘Fall over us!’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us over!’" since about to meet their tragic end.

So the question, "why do you stand here, looking into the sky?" with its angelic response indicates a spiritual readiness Jesus' disciples needed to urgently comply during "critical times" when His Reign over our earth invisible proceeded.

We Pray

We Pray

A battle rages continuously
into these turbulent nights
for "unalienable rights"--

not to be transferred, nor sold
as our Creator benevolent, righteous, just,
each individual a vessel entrusted
to hold eternally: life, liberty, happiness.

So why this vile coldness taken hostage our world?

Why does blood sprinkle or gush, swirl
upon our land
as if hands or hearts pushed into metal fans whirling
to mankind cripple from extending brotherly help
to all successfully stand?

How does one exit this dense fog,
this black ink spilled as oil upon a verdant soil


degenerate in its consummation wholly of man's integrity
once available in the highest courts of justice
upon sincere humane demand?

There exists a mental darkness
alienated from the life, the light that belongs to God

because of an ignorance that feeds one.

An insensitivity
that breeds in one's heart.

Evil feeds on ignorance.

As the apostle Paul reputed as a gentle, affectionate man expending himself unselfishly grand in his service of Christian brothers

once “breathing threat and murder”
against this very same band

once admitted:

"I was ignorant,”
although formerly he had “a zeal for God;

but not according to accurate knowledge.”

Today, many sincere people too
engage in atrocious acts
due to a lack of correct understanding

God’s will
to do.

Cautioned Christ's followers:

“The hour is coming when everyone that kills you
will imagine he has rendered a sacred service to God.

But they will do these things
because they have not come to know
either the Father or me.”

Liberties, property and/or lives stolen,
not even borrowed

from subjects loving, obedient in lands subjugated to abject violence to an accelerated degree.

Sure, persecutors many
profess servitude to God and Jesus; blessed.

Yet influenced by false religious beliefs plus traditions
they exercise injustices without requisite contrition.

However, returning evil for evil is not how Christians follow Jesus’ exhortation: “Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you."

We hope
pray for changes of heart,
as did Saul,

so that recognized
"inalienable rights" of many
will speedily push through.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Our Battle

Our battle


spiritual armor our best defense
as a bleakness worldwide
drains the soul.

Life eternal
heavenly or earthly
a Christian's goal.

Forward onward
oh his people armored up
though with no false steeple to control

hungry masses

angry crowds
as foaming waves
to distant shores thrashes.

Forward marching
straight ahead

through this majority


But, the Word of God
wielded as swords pierces deeply
reaching inwards

seeks God's love
undeserved, yet, mercifully expressed

as received

His benevolent

So spiritual soldiers resist a world emboldened
leaving wicked marks. Striking his blows,

not against the wind

his relationship with his Creator
He staunchly defends.

Not with lip service does he pretend
to honor the Almighty, who will universally win
against wicked sons dishonored.

A righteous soldier
Christ Jesus, his loyal one


In imitation of this model
true believers of him follow

not to carry the literal sword in battle.

A neutral stand
will not their courage

To love his fellow man
is not

considered shallow.

For a clean white garb
worn in justice and loyalty
by all obedient humanity beating
"Swords into plowshares"

will deem them worthy

to live in
"brotherly love and affection"
with fellow soldiers equally dressed

in love truly possessed

from now into eternity!

"Let the heavens rejoice!"
Then soon our earth will too

as the battle is not ours to fight.

Christ and His heavenly army
will loving justice
for us


with the Almighty's backing
and powerful might.