Tuesday, April 25, 2017



by Lucretia Mccloud aka Seah Greenhorn
(poem with copyright)

Act I: Sunrise. Moon cannot too.
Clean slates commence new day.

Babies coo; adolescents boo
since learning delays play.

Adults in ardent work delight;
fulfilled an honest trust.

While animals wild resist light;
await in darkness; lust.

Yes, words are spewed and acts imbued
with kindnesses in mind.

Yet, flesh is weak, imperfect true.
Resist errs done in kind.

Grass bent in breeze reflect true ease
as sun provides its shine.

Sunset: Artistic masterpiece.
Forgiving freely--Divine!

Arise all eyes to awesome skies!
Breathtaking each event.

Thundering warnings don't despise.
Rain heals dried soil. Repent.

Blossoms are born in dirt; reprise.
Love conquers all! Relent.


Monday, April 24, 2017

The Messiah

The Messiah

by Seah Greenhorn
(poem with copyright)

6, 000 years ago,

in the Garden of Eden
after our selfish parents
ate off the forbidden tree;

selling us into slavery
to abject sin in its universal misery,

quickly prophesied:

a seed

birthed to crush the head of the wicked serpent
pulverizing this disobedient angel
to eternal death.

Trailing also his unrighteous follower's
both spirits and humans into this regretful eventuality.

Many question:

Is Jesus Christ that designated offspring?
How would he be recognized?
What credentials would he bring?

Well, according to Bible prophecy,
the Messiah, or Christ,
in two roles different
would appear,

separated by thousands of glorious suns and moons revolving
requiring endurance by his disciples
wearing the garb of the faithful;

to the fleshly
not to adhere.

In his first role, he would be a human.
So to clearly be recognized,
many amazing details of his life and ministry
were centuries beforehand written.

Yes, even foretold
to the world he'd be utterly despised.

The Messiah would be . . .

A descendant of King David.
Born in the town of Bethlehem.
A humble proclaimer of “good news.”
Despised and held of no account in all the realm.

Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver.
Silent before his accusers
as they unjustly condemned him to death.

A sacrificial “lamb,” who would annul sin
enabling humans a clean standing before a Holy God.
Yes, these imperfect humans who indeed feel bereft.

Killed without any of his bones being broken.
Buried with the rich.
Resurrected on the third day.

With Christ Jesus was total fulfillment.
Squashing all unbelievers have to say.

In fact,
“the witness concerning Jesus”
is a primary objective of Bible prophecy.

As the end keeps advancing forward
all the nations once arrogantly blind
will be forced humbly to see.

For as a human traversing this land
Jesus demonstrated on a small scale
just what he will do

on a global scale as a mighty spirit creature.

Outperforming any candidate imperfect
in their endeavors
they profess will ensue.

“When the Christ comes,
he will not perform more signs than this man has done, will he?"
was a question asked of him;

since his miracles left masses in amazement.

And the righteous, in earnest wonder:
what the Messiah required of them.

Yes, the Messiah had unselfishly left his favored position in heaven
as the Father's first-born only-begotten Son
to exist for a time among humans imperfect
to scornfully die as a criminal;

on a stake tragically hung.

Bruised in the heel, foretold.
And the seed of the serpent rejoicing
as if they'd eternally won.

But Christ's resurrection by his Father to his right hand
made possible freedom to eventually come
to deliver people from sickness, suffering, the grave.

Why he came to this earth suffering in darkness.

To save an internationally
obedient sum.

So, stage two we are awaiting
in anticipation of the final page.
Blessings earth wide the Messiah will complete
in the soon finale of these wicked days.

For in his second role, the Messiah will. . .

Rule as King of God’s Kingdom,
a world government to the meek sincerely dear.

Be a blessing to all humans who exercise faith in him
with actions clean and their conscious clear.

“Startle many nations” and their rulers when he crushes them for opposing his rule.

Preserve an international “great crowd” of righteous humans into a peaceful new world where new scrolls will be opened;
and all resurrected millions will then be schooled.

Yes, along with Jehovah God, Jesus will bring the dead back to life
in Paradise on earth after eliminating all wicked strife.

Teach his subjects the ways of true peace.
Eradicate sin, the underlying cause of sickness and death.
Ultimately break up all of Satan’s works
uniting the human family back to perfect health

under the rule of Jehovah God.

This is priceless!

A treasure immense
of eternal wealth!


Jesus fulfilled his first role as Messiah.
He will also complete his second too.

The wise, therefore, are encouraged to
study him closely,

for Jesus said:
“I am the way and the truth and the life."

Soon, the unrighteous will get their just due.

“In his days the righteous will flourish,
and peace will abound until the moon is no more.
He will have subjects. . . to the ends of the earth."


The Messiah
is the One Chosen
by the Creator
to even His Sovereign's
Universal score.