Thursday, June 22, 2017




sunrises heartrending

as dismal days
emerge between


for banqueted dreams:


cleansing streams

effusive praise

paradisiac gleams

of bounteous


Eternal King


Sunday, June 18, 2017

A Most Gracious Host

A Most Gracious Host

'Beloved children'
gifts receive

none showing more benevolence

than many of these:

Sunsets glorious
moonlit skies
butterflies flitting here to there
colorful before our eyes

waterfalls refreshing
thundering from high
rivers crystal
tranquil our row
oceans too to sail...

no we cannot these despise

the lady bug
an ardent ant

a lion's roar
a rabbit's hop
a robin's chant

luscious peaches
dripping down one's chin

dolphins at play
chimpanzees' grin

tropical breezes
cleansing rains

majestic mountains
to ease stress' pain.

A tip of the glacier
this tiny list


a Most Gracious Host

does exist.

***written for contest:

Thursday, June 15, 2017

A Generation Into Eternity

"A generation is going,
and a generation is coming,

but the earth remains forever."

as cycles of winters and springs?

as rivers and gentle streams?

the stars and glorious moon?


the people
with no space
or room?

a person with food and a place.

living with dignity. Grace.

the Creator
of the human race.

an opportunity
to chose life and exist
as long as the sun


the songs of the loon.

the earth a welcoming home

with love soon
to internationally bloom.

Forever and ever.
A chance to partake


will no longer
and consume.

This invite
Our Almighty

did make.

Sunday, June 11, 2017



Is your 'Freedom'
really 'free'

where 'no strings attached'
can't lasso back past actions

which can/do entangle
one's presently desired
carefree life

to an inability

physically or mentally
to cope

because a slip-knotted

strangles all future hope

of healthy
familial living?

Is this intelligent
unseen master of your 'liberty'


or dark
relentless in his wicked pursuit

yet, thankless when given servitude?

Can he promise actual eternity?

Or does he invent lies
as he goes

controlling those who know not of a spiritual road leading to a mountain streaming international humbled souls

once beaten or threatened by his angry roaring fearsomely
to manipulate a blind stumbling humanity?


simply helps one slip through cords squeezing this major hoard into disharmony:

Envision a future in loyal gratitude
to One already providing goodness, graciousness,
kindness to mankind

despite ignorance or belligerent attitudes,

instead of rudeness, wickedness, treachery
confining to promised none existence


not an 'immortality' of speculative mind.

Envision inhabiting this land cleansed of wickedness
supplied with a banquet of succulent plenty,

fruits, wines,
bread and cheeses
of a varied kind

learning to live in perfect harmony
with the universe

one another
brothers and sisters

mastering skills which seem deemed
only to a captivating few

this world is composed of a talented

of a inspired

with ancient ones returned
or any and all

who survived God's Final War

to spurn badness
love righteousness


This is true 'Freedom'

rejected by the masses
as 'utopia'


while presenting as truth
a plethora of myths

over time,

yet unproven
yes, baseless.

Freedom or free-will
grants us the ability to choose


before an door of prophesied opportunity
is locked

closed forevermore.

Before God's tolerance of ignorance, slander, hatred,
ends labeling it... Too Late

with a key to true knowledge

as classes already begun

have further entry

And outside the 'interior rooms'

an anointed King and his 'just' army rides
to destroy

to eternally eliminate those promoting
ancient crippling

traditions or lore.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

He Was Always

He Was Always

He was always
from creation's beginning
an exact reflection of brilliant light

supreme might.

He was always a son beloved
under a benevolent gaze beaming
since obedient to parental directions loving
he esteemed His Father as The Ultimate Being.

First born of all. Lover of righteousness.
A spiritual son of myriads to follow.

A heavenly brother
exhibiting a humble disposition

demonstrating no arrogant
belittling criticisms
for siblings

difficult to swallow.


as thirst-quenching water
from a glorious crystal stream
when parched after efforts strenuous

imperfect ours deemed.

He was always
polished as a diamond
gleaming brighter insight
even when crushed under pressuring extremes

earnest prayer required to finish his fight.

His life sacrificed
a beauteous gift given
then raised back to this highly glorified position

permitting a threaded connection
with a comforting Father
if sins acknowledged,
then heartfelt in petition
to be mercifully forgiven.

Upon life-giving food spiritual
allow oneself to be fed.

Unlike some disobedient
once spiritual brothers
who abused their free-will
allowing satanic thoughts to corrupt their hearts
by dark desires then led.

Yet, when rebellion heavenly occurred
this first-born Son in loyalty anointed to cleanse
his Father's abode of a disobedient disruptive third.

Now we live during a time of magnificent revealing
though a period of churning upheaval
as a veil to justice


but shepherded as sheep
or goat herds in future divided
by actions exhibited
after hearing God's word provided

Our choices made
show all
who our inclinations prefer
as ruler, as king.

But only through Jah's First-born
will real peace and security
to our universe

Thursday, June 8, 2017

"Take the Lead"

'Take the Lead'

In brotherly love
have tender affection for one another.
In showing honor to one another,
take the lead."

"Take the lead."
"Take the lead."

If these words stand out
have we not overshot the bull's-eye of Paul's words

"Have tender affection for one another."

Tender as filet mignon easy to...
Not on your brother.

Should we not grease him down
with healing words

as we do with cute kittens,
little puppies?

Even if poor, limping,
blind to advantages others find
to open life's necessities' door
more easily?

If in the lead
can we extend back a hand in speed?

Not keep score
counting paces between you and them
whom we haven't yet learned to adore?

Isn't equality as humans what we should seek for?

Not necessarily of material advantages
of what we speak.

not shoving, but loving
showing "honor to one another"?

Is this the way I "take the lead"?

Monday, June 5, 2017

"From Death I Will Recover Them"

Corals, octopuses, sharks
exist beyond our breath to reach

great fish
exclaim in vibrant colors,
vast shapes, His fame:

"O the depth
of God’s riches and wisdom
and knowledge!"

His name:

"Know that Jehovah is the true God".

"How unsearchable his judgments...,
beyond tracing out his ways are!"

"There is none like you among the gods,
O Jehovah" by far.
"There are no works like yours."

Universally we sing your praise.
Yes, you we worship, adore, eternally. Always.

"For who in the skies can compare to Jehovah?
Who among the sons of God is like Jehovah?"

"See now that I—I am he,
And there are no gods apart from me.

I put to death,
and I make alive."

Yes, this Job
his trials faithfully he did survive:

"O that in the Grave
you would
conceal me,"
before he knew if Jah would heal thee.

"That you would hide me
until your anger passes by,"
is how most feel as adversity thrashes.

"That you would set a time limit for me
and remember me!"

As if to say:
'Resurrect me to blissful peace and security
under your Grand Loving Sovereignty.'

This be our prayer
this be our plea
from all obedient mankind for an eternity.

Job provided us faithful proof:
That "The true God is for us a God who saves;
And Jehovah the Sovereign Lord
provides escape from death."

Promised: "From the power of the Grave
I will redeem them;
From death I will recover them.

Where are your stings, O Death?
Where is your destructiveness, O Grave?
"“Death, where is your victory?
Death, where is your sting?”"

When unified all mankind to ring out in joy
as back to life

Jehovah through Christ

Our loved ones resurrected
yes they will bring!

Saturday, June 3, 2017


enslaved to hollows
excavated by trends

emptiness echoes
blackness within

how does one weed out greedy feeds
on ravenous desires sinful?

or out distance pressuring peers who do spin
one's world towards treacherous bends
no longer thrilling but vengeful?

will I skip happily free if traveling alone
straight paths even if sunshine should 'bling' life new
like a convertible chromed ride?

the plight of youth sadly today
as social media friends 'unfriend' or sway to defame
characters in a 'click of a mouse'

victims 'hung' lifeless
dangling in closets while lightening technology
divides family sanely housed,

dysfunction concealed until suicide reveals
what consciences grieving no longer can hide.

is this tragically where many stories eternally will end?
held in palms of cold powerful hands

your life to depend?

worthy of life,
not deserved 'cause of actions perfect


to be recalled
'righteous' and 'unrighteous'
back to learn

what a Creator desires to teach
all righteous humans

perfection to earn

so do not spurn a book ancient
divine which leads the way to life

enlightening hearts
broadening minds

'broad is the way the road to death'
but narrow and cramped

is the way

bereft meek ones 
choose their life to spend

for promised:

"You open your hand
and satisfy the desire
of every living thing."

left remaining on an earth
a just King will thoroughly cleanse
of wicked humanity

toll bells to ring symbolically

ones granted
'worthy of life'

Eternal praises
to our Grand Creator

in gratitude

to harmoniously sing.