Friday, March 25, 2016

Let Me Lay



Let Me Lay

by Seah Greenhorn ... poem with copyright

Once dignified and regal
yet in knees buckled beneath
in this moment...


Let me lay

My head resting
on enemy soil I once trusted
to gallantly convey me forward
must stay--for just a moment. Please.

Your kneeling presence--
Perhaps in prayer
a soothing comfort,
a sympathetic share.

Though my tired eyes I close
they do thank you.

My beloved guard
your stance to me a pronouncement:

You're not dead. Not by far. By the time
this glorious sun has totally risen
your beautiful hind will have resumed
your elegant position.

In your belief I will again
proudly gallop
by your majestic side.

Grateful I am for the love
of loyal family and friends.

I'll cherish these to a future end.

Seah Greenhorn: Rate your comments to give the commentor points

Each heart after the first costs you and awards them 10 points. You have 1,525 points. Points help?

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Nisan 14 . . . What Does It Mean?

Nisan 14 . . . What Does It Mean?

by Seah Greenhorn
(Poem with copyright)

Nisan 14.

the most important date
in international history.

Commanded: "Keep doing this inremembrance of me." Our Deliverer: Christ Jesus made the statement

before finally nailed to a tree.

The Passover to Israel
kept Egyptian bondage in mind.

But more so their deliverance
of the Divine kind.

Ten plagues,

the foremost

the death of first-borns
when lamb's blood
was not posted

on portals in faith
and exercise of love.

Then 15 centuries later,
instituted a new celebration:

A Special meal
with 11 disciples
faithful to do God's will.

Memorialized: Christ's Death
to be exerienced at day's end,

after the sun set
they passed unleavened bread
and took a sip of wine

after offering thanks to His Father
for such Loyal and True Friends.

The unleavened bread represented his sinless body

Sacrificed in love.

The wine: his 'blood of the covenant'
poured out at Golgotha
in behalf of the obedient many
"for forgiveness of sins"

and then after 40 days
presented to his Creator, our Maker
in the heavens above.

{Just what does this date mean to you and me?

Does it matter that Christ's Death liberates us from the scourge of sin and death
allowing us a chance at Eternity?

Was pierced for us insignicant?
A mere trivial thing?


Two of the Most Unselfish Acts
of Utmost Love unduplicated
by any means?


Living Forever in Paradise
for the Many will be
the happiest of occasions

with receiving back loved ones deceased and abundant peace
without poverty, food shortages, sickness, death and disease.

This is what the Creator and his Son the 'master-worker' had originally designed for perfect humanity.


the first full moon
after the beginning of Spring
lands this year tonight,

March 23, 2016.

What joy for many this evening to convene

with like-minded appreciative ones
thankful for Christ's offering.

We hope to see there...You are invited!

Gratitude: Do Bring.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Perfect Love

Perfect Love
by Seah Greenhorn
(poem with copyright)

like Adam

to balance the scale


Adams's children
destined to Eternal hell-

Mankind's Common Grave
which imprisoned Jesus too

but, God thus him did save
after confined
a solid three days.

A Life for Life:

This Our Creator
Required for Justice:

A Corresponding Sacrifice
only acceptable

Necessarily... Due.

What man on earth could qualify?

(Though, many with generous hearts
might benevolently volunteer to do their part.)

Perfection was lost.
Perfection was needed

to Guarantee a Promised New Start.

"Fill the earth."
For this Adam was designed.

"Have in subjection" the animals
he was also assigned.

A Paradise with perfect offspring
and Eternity embedded in their minds.

The Ultimate in Gifts.
Nothing lacking.


to the Creator

So, Christ came,

although a Master Worker
beside his Heavenly Father
"the firstborn" of all creation
the one of which was spoken:

"Let us make man in our image,
according to our likeness"--

Not a random 'token.'

Gave up an opportunity
to produce offspring perfect,

through sacrificing his perfect body, then returning to the heavens
presenting his offering to

his Father, who
then in Happiness and Love
promised him a kingship--

Over Earth to Rule!

1,000 years to gather all things back together--the heavens and the earth.

Restoring Unity and Perfection:

The reason Mary was chosen as surrogate mother to Christ's birth.

Now, a King in Royal Splendor
riding forth for Justice

to us...Long Overdue.

A Father and His Son

What Perfect Love is Willing to Do.