Saturday, June 3, 2017


enslaved to hollows
excavated by trends

emptiness echoes
blackness within

how does one weed out greedy feeds
on ravenous desires sinful?

or out distance pressuring peers who do spin
one's world towards treacherous bends
no longer thrilling but vengeful?

will I skip happily free if traveling alone
straight paths even if sunshine should 'bling' life new
like a convertible chromed ride?

the plight of youth sadly today
as social media friends 'unfriend' or sway to defame
characters in a 'click of a mouse'

victims 'hung' lifeless
dangling in closets while lightening technology
divides family sanely housed,

dysfunction concealed until suicide reveals
what consciences grieving no longer can hide.

is this tragically where many stories eternally will end?
held in palms of cold powerful hands

your life to depend?

worthy of life,
not deserved 'cause of actions perfect


to be recalled
'righteous' and 'unrighteous'
back to learn

what a Creator desires to teach
all righteous humans

perfection to earn

so do not spurn a book ancient
divine which leads the way to life

enlightening hearts
broadening minds

'broad is the way the road to death'
but narrow and cramped

is the way

bereft meek ones 
choose their life to spend

for promised:

"You open your hand
and satisfy the desire
of every living thing."

left remaining on an earth
a just King will thoroughly cleanse
of wicked humanity

toll bells to ring symbolically

ones granted
'worthy of life'

Eternal praises
to our Grand Creator

in gratitude

to harmoniously sing.

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